
Showing posts from February, 2024

CST 300 - Week 8

 Part 1: Review of other team's final video projects Final Video Project Review # 1: Otter This World The video project from Otter This World is about Genomics. They describe how genomics is important and what advances we have made in this area. The topic is well-covered, and the presentation is clear. They cover each section described at the beginning of the video and provide various videos that go along with those sections. The quality of the research and video project is well done. They provide definitions and statistics with references. The video has a lot of visuals and could have used some slides with text at the beginning of each section. The information is being provided via audio, and there should be some text to supplement it. Also, the General Public video cuts off at the end with no conclusion. The video is engaging and interesting. They made a nice choice of visuals for each section. Team work is evident as each person had a section they covered. Overall, the video is

CST 300 - Week 7

 Part 1: Final Research Video Project Planning The planning for our final research video was really quick. One of our team members is really passionate about the topic that was picked for us and wrote out a script. The script was shared over our Discord channel, and we were all given a part to record. Our goal is to record our part by Sunday and upload it to the Discord channel for our team members to put into a slideshow video about our topic. The process has been smooth so far. In our next large collaborative project, I would throw around more ideas about what our final product looks like so we can all contribute to its creation.  Part 2: Reflection on Week's Activity This week's activities were focused on TedTalk videos, presentation skills, and our last Module in OLI.  The TedTalk I chose to watch was titled "All your devices can be hacked" by Avi Rubin. In the video, the speaker describes how the various wireless devices that use the internet can be hacked easily

CST 300 - Week 6

  Part 1: Capstone Ideas Discussion In our team meeting, we discussed our possible capstone ideas and gave feedback on the ones that stood out to use.  Luis presented a 2D platform game, a music app for tuning instruments, and a database management program. His idea for the 2D platform game is to gain experience with game development. The music app would help with tuning an instrument, and his database management would help him gain experience with building a database.   Guillermo presented a pantry storage app, a music translator app, and a weather app. His idea for the pantry storage app would allow the user to create a list of items that they need to buy at a store. It would allow the user to enter items manually if no barcode exists and allow you to share the list with other people in the household. The weather app would focus on air quality.  Victoria presented an all-in-one educational app, a food information app, a fitness app, and a bookworm social media app. Her all-in-one edu

CST 300 - Week 5

Part 1: Support and Comments on Teammates' Goals Victoria's Comment Guillermo's Comment Part 2: Possible Capstone Ideas Some ideas for capstone that I have are in the area of education with a focus on classroom management and video game design.  My first idea is to create a seating chart generator app for teachers to use in their classrooms. As a teacher, creating a seating chart can be a challenge. Whether you have a challenging class or are just looking to mix seats up, this app will help create the perfect seating chart. The app will give the teacher a variety of options to create a seating chart: individual, partner, or grouping (3 or more). The teacher can create a seating chart or groupings based on current grade in class, on an assignment, IEP requirements, or behavioral issues.  My second idea is to create a school environment application or website. With technology in the classroom becoming more and more popular, students are having to manage their own apps, homewo