CST 300 - Week 8

 Part 1: Review of other team's final video projects

Final Video Project Review # 1: Otter This World

The video project from Otter This World is about Genomics. They describe how genomics is important and what advances we have made in this area. The topic is well-covered, and the presentation is clear. They cover each section described at the beginning of the video and provide various videos that go along with those sections. The quality of the research and video project is well done. They provide definitions and statistics with references. The video has a lot of visuals and could have used some slides with text at the beginning of each section. The information is being provided via audio, and there should be some text to supplement it. Also, the General Public video cuts off at the end with no conclusion. The video is engaging and interesting. They made a nice choice of visuals for each section. Team work is evident as each person had a section they covered. Overall, the video is appropriate for the general public. 

Final Video Project Review #2: Super4Web Solutions

The video project from Super4WEB Solutions is about The Eternal Human. They describe ways that humans that technology can help humans live longer, or even forever. The topic is well-covered, and the presentation is clear. Each section of the video describes how technology extends the life of humans in the areas of mind and body and even presents the implications of extending the lives of humans. The quality of research and video production is well put together. Each part of the video has its own feel and facts that show how we are already extending human life. The video is also engaging. Each presenter brings a different environment to the video, keeping the audience engaged. I really liked how they ended the video with a question: "Would you want to live forever?". Teamwork is evident as each team member completed their own section, and the video is appropriate for the general public. 

Final Video Project Review #3: Bit of Otter

The video project from Bit of Otter is about Augmented Reality. It covers the past, present, and future of augmented reality. The topic is covered somewhat well and is clear. There is more regarding augmented reality that the presenters could have dived into. The Introduction and History sections, which are the first half of the video, both mention Pokemon GO. The quality of research and video production can be improved. It would be great to see what advances in augmented reality happened between 1900 and 2016 and how they led to where it is today. The transition between each section could have been cleaner so that each section flows into the next. The video presents many interesting topics but lacks engagement. The video is appropriate for the general public and is at a level that others can understand the topic of augmented reality. 

Part 2: Weekly Learning Journal

This week our team submitted our two videos for our final project. They can be found below: 

Gigabit Goon Squad - Final Research Video Project (Professional)Links to an external site.

Gigabit Goon Squad - Final Research Video Project (General Public)Links to an external site.

CST 300 was a great start to this program. I have been interested in coding for a while now, and this class opened up a whole new aspect of the field that I had not considered before. It allowed me to explore topics in computer science that I was not familiar with. It also allowed me to focus on the skills and leadership needed to work in a team. Our team worked so well together during this class. We communicated regularly and collaborated in a way such that everyone was on the same page and knew what to do. Our teamwork and dedication led to the creation of the video projects above, as well as some great essays regarding various areas of computer science. To make the collaboration more effective next time, we can plan ahead and come to our meetings with ideas in mind instead of developing them during the meeting. This will allow us more time during our meeting to create a plan of action. Overall, this was a great experience, and I am excited to continue working with such awesome colleagues. 


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