CST 338 - WK01HW02

CodingBat Reflection

This week, we were given the task of completing the CodingBat challenges as two separate homework assignments. They were very helpful in learning the basics of Java. Some sections were fairly simple which others took way longer than they should have. It just shows how much practice I need with Java. I actually find it very similar to C++, with the difference being the syntax of some structures. 

To solve the problems, I started out throwing code at it on how I thought the problem could be solved. I used the error codes to fix my syntax error. Once I got the code to work, I looked to see if the tests passed. If no tests passed, I wrote out a pseudocode version of a test and tired to get that one test to pass. This usually led to other tests passing as well. If I was stuck on a specific test and writing it out did not help, I copied and pasted the code into Intellij and tried to work it out from there. This was usually the last step that led to my success. 

The section that was the hardest for me was Strings 2. This section really challenged me and each problem took me more than few tries. Eventually, I was able to solve each problem using the methods mentioned above. Of these methods, the one that worked the best was writing out the pseudocode and working out the problems on paper. Moving forward, I am going to stick to this method as it helps me think about the code I need before implementing it. 


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