CST 300 - Week 4

 Part 1: Educational Goals

My primary educational goal in the CS program is to graduate with my Bachelor's in Computer Science in December 2025 with experience in the field from internships and our service learning class. Another goal I have by the end of the program is to create projects that will showcase my experience and skill set and have them on display on my GitHub. Furthermore, my secondary goal is to graduate with my Master's degree with a focus on Artificial Intelligence or Computer and Network Security. from Stanford University in December 2027. 

Part 2: Career Goals

My career goal is to work in the field of computer science as a backend developer in cybersecurity or software development once I graduate from the CS Online program or the Computer Science Master's Degree program at Stanford University. I want to work with a company that strives to create products that will improve the quality of life while keeping user's data safe and secure. 

Part 3: Percentile of ETS Computer Science Test

The ETS Computer Science Test looks like an exciting test. I took the sample test to the best of my ability and received a score of 7/16 (43%). Some of the questions put my math skills to the test, which I love. This is a great way to see what we learned during undergraduate studies in Computer Science. When I take the test in 18 months, I feel like I will get around the 70th percentile. I placed myself in this percentile since I tend to overthink questions on a test. I do feel confident in the questions that involve the mathematical concepts of the subject. 

Part 4: Weekly Learning Journal

This week, most of our reading was about goals and career setting, as mentioned above. These questions regarding career goals were a bit difficult to answer. I have been a teacher for 13 years, and it was hard to imagine myself outside the profession, even though my goal is to start a career in computer science. 

In addition to the material mentioned above, we also had a reading that helped with our ethics argument essay outline. These documents helped with determining the stakeholders in our essays as well as what claims one could make for their position in the argument. Also, we were given a reading to help us be aware of biased argumentation. This is helpful as it reminds us that we need to keep our own biases and emotions out of the argument and share both sides of the argument in an unbiased manner. 

One of the last items for the week was a team activity. This activity was great as it allowed me to get to know my team members more. It also gave us all some insight as to what we can contribute to our meetings. 


  1. Hi Edward, it was great reading about your goals. I think you have a really good map of where you want to go, and the steps you'll take to get there, nice job. I especially liked the fact you're planning on using the skills you learn during your CS Online program and display them via a public GitHub that you can use to show to potential employers. I'm sure if you keep up the great work, you'll be able to execute on your plan and get through the CS Online program, your master's at Stanford, and then onto an employer whom you'd like to work with.

  2. Hello Edward,

    You are heading in the right direction! Working on projects will definitely prove valuable during interviews with recruiters. It is important to have a portfolio and keep track of all your accomplishments. I would also recommend applying to internships, as they tend to be crucial for your education and career plan. Additionally, don't forget to update your skills and actively engage in networking opportunities. Great work.

  3. That's great career goal Edward. Plus software development and cybersecurity cover a lot of ground, so if you feel equally competent in both, you'll have more career opportunities upon graduation than someone who focuses on only one of those. Internships are a great way to gain in experience in each field to see what you like best. But if your work doesn't allow the time for an internship, I would suggest freelancing during after hours. I'm just looking into this myself, but it seems like it's a good way to earn experience, particularly in web development.


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